Small Spirea Varieties

Small spirea varieties
Spirea 'Elf' The smallest of the spireas, 'Elf' has the same unfussy personality in a small package. Use for edging a path, garden borders or a great rock garden plant. Bright yellow foliage makes a great companion to perennials or annuals. The blooms are light pink and will rebloom sporadically during the summer.
Are there dwarf Spireas?
Spiraea j. 'Little Princess' (Dwarf Japanese Spirea) | Estabrook's. 'Little Princess' is a tidy, compact and low maintenance shrub with small bright green leaves and a myriad of light pink blossoms that will cover the plant in early summer.
How tall does dwarf spirea get?
It has large clusters of pink flowers in summer. For USDA zones 4 to 8. S. x bumalda Little Bonnie™ Dwarf Spirea ('BL0601'): Plants grow to 2 to 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide.
How big does a little princess spirea get?
Little Princess Spirea will grow to be about 24 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 3 feet.
Can you keep spirea small?
All spirea shrubs produce flowers on new wood, which is why cutting back spirea shrubs is so important. Spirea pruning not only rejuvenates the plant and encourages blooming, but it also helps to restrain the size of the shrub. Also, trimming spirea back, in many cases, will induce a second bloom.
Can you keep bridal wreath spirea small?
Never try to prune a bridal wreath spirea into a compact bush, or you will sacrifice its unique charm. Trimming back so that it does not get too unwieldy, however, makes the plant more attractive. After flowering, prune any awkward shoots that distract from the overall configuration.
What can I plant instead of spirea?
U.S. Native Plant Alternatives to Spiraea japonica (Japanese Spirea)
- Ceanothus americanus (New Jersey Tea)
- Diervilla lonicera (Northern Bush Honeysuckle) ...
- Fothergilla gardenii (Dwarf Fothergilla) ...
- Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire) ...
- Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) ...
- Physocarpus opulifolius (Common Ninebark)
What does Little Princess Spirea look like?
This is little princess by rhea a low-growing pink flowering woody shrub little princess can
What sizes do spirea come in?
Mature size ranges from 2-10 feet tall and wide. This fast grower can add up to 2 feet of new growth in a single season. Plants can be kept smaller with pruning.
Does Little Princess Spirea like sun or shade?
This Spirea thrives in full to part sun and is adaptable to any moist, well-drained soil. Water deeply when planting and 2 times per week for the first 3 months while your plant is establishing. Once established, Spireas are drought tolerant.
Should you cut back spirea in the fall?
In the fall or late-winter, prune the spirea again. This trim is more aggressive than the spring-time one. Remove all dead branches, old foliage, and old blooms. Look for dead spots and places where the undergrowth is struggling.
Can you keep Snowmound spirea small?
Cut back Snowmound spirea in late winter every three to four years to revitalize its blooming capabilities. Shear off all the stems to a height of 2 inches using clean, sharp pruning loppers. Make the cuts straight rather than angled to preserve the shrub's graceful growth habit.
Does Little Princess Spirea spread?
With its dense, compact habit, the Little Princess spirea can fit into any type of landscape. This spirea spreads out to 3 feet in width, and it can reach a height of 1 to 2 feet.
How big does a Snowmound spirea get?
'Snowmound' is a dense, upright, compact, mounded cultivar which typically grows to 2-4' tall with a similar spread. Profuse white flowers in small corymbs cover the arching stems of this plant in late spring. Flowers and leaves all appear on the same side of the arching branches.
How big does a goldflame spirea get?
Moderate growing; reaches 3 to 4 ft. tall, spreading wider. The bright yellow-green of the foliage makes this a stand-out shrub for the mixed border, and outstanding fall color makes it a real eye-catcher.
Are spirea roots invasive?
Although common, Japanese spiraea should never be planted in your yard because they are capable of rapidly taking over other shrubs, grass, and trees. Once established, spiraea grows incredibly quickly and forms dense roots that overwhelm the existing native landscaping.
Should I cut my spirea to the ground?
Prune spirea to get big flower clusters Spirea that's not pruned or pruned to the ground each spring has a casual, loose habit. In early spring, before the leaf buds start to swell, cut all of the stems down so they're 4 to 6 in. tall.
What is the best time of year to trim spirea?
The two main trimming periods, in early spring and after blooming, are most important to do each year, but you can also trim your spirea as needed throughout any season. This is a shrub that responds well to trimming, so prune and shape as needed.
Is there a difference between bridal veil spirea and bridal wreath spirea?
Even before its foliage appears, bridal veil spirea, much more commonly known as bridal wreath spirea (Spiraea prunifolia) graces the early spring landscape with a profusion of white blossoms.
How big does bridal spirea get?
Bridal wreath spirea is an old-fashioned, upright, clumping, flowering, deciduous shrub that grows from 4 to 8 feet tall and equally as wide. It tends to be twiggy in form, loose and fountain-like. Most of the year this shrub is covered with dark green leaves.
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